Her Style

Let’s Talk being freshly divorced

Mandy On Duty mom Style Blog

This fabulous mom of 3 is super stylish Gillian. She’s recently divorced and now a single mom, and her life defines what it means to be a busy mother. Her kids are 16, 10, and 7 respectively, and she has a crazy schedule between getting them to all their activities and school, plus working as a full time teacher. With all this on her plate she still manages to maintain her chic New York City style (even though she lives in the suburbs now!).

We talk about her life as a single mom and how she keeps it all afloat.

You’re in great shape after having 3 kids. How do you stay in shape?
I’m constantly moving and staying on my feet with my students and kids.
What is the biggest challenge of a single mom?
Sharing your time between all 3 kids so that they all feel satisfied that they’re all getting your attention.
Mandy On Duty Mom Style Interview blog
Mandy On Duty Mom Style Blog
Did you always want 3 kids?
No, I wanted 2.
What is the best part of motherhood?
Watching my children succeed and them telling me they love me. Having their unconditional love that is natural for me. Love that I never have to doubt and never have to fight for or work for.
Mandy On Duty Mom Style Blog
What is the hardest part of motherhood for you?
Letting go of the fact that you can’t fix everything in their life and that they’ll have to go through things on their one. When they’re in pain and someone hurts them I can’t fix it.
What easy meals do you cook most for your kids?
Pasta, rice and chicken, and steak.
Mandy On Duty Mom Style Interview blog
Do you cook everyday?
No, 4 days a week.

What happens the next 3 days?
They make things themselves.
Mandy On Duty Mom Style Blog
How do you manage to do all chores & housework in addition to everything else?
The kids get an allowance based on their age and responsibility. They share chores according to how much they can handle.

What is the most important thing you want to teach your kids?
Respect. Be good caring people, and think of others.
Mandy On Duty Mom Style Blog
Part 2 – Our talk on divorce and her new date night style.