Shows & Books

Awesome Netflix detective shows

Luther Idris Elba Netflix Mandy on Duty review

I call it – Netflix and cook! So you know when you’re cooking dinner while your kids are playing and doing homework, and you really don’t want to cook but the family’s got to eat, and you need help getting through yet ANOTHER meal? I can offer help to make the cooking more bearable! And it’s NOT a new recipe. It’s Netflix and cook (and wash dishes, and clear the kitchen, and all things kitchen related really!)

I love detective shows, and who doesn’t like their hearts pounding slightly while chopping onions? My favorite detective shows are currently in the British Netflix section because the characters are all extremely flawed, crazy, intense, and smart.

These are some of the meaty detective shows that will make your dinner preparation a little more riveting!

The British Netflix batch:
1) Broadchurch – This one is first because it got me through last week’s meals. It starts off slowish in the first episode but then it picks up and keeps a steady, brooding, who dunnit, so this is how small towns think, pace. A bit of a worst nightmare that could ever happen to parents situation, but excellent all round.
great detective netflix show

2) Luther – Gruesome, so beware! But really, really awesome! I’m waiting for the two episodes of Season 4! You’ll be waiting too! Idris Elba and all his British grit is complex, instinctive, and hot!
Luther Netflix, Idris Elba Netflix, Mandy on Duty netflix review, great detective netflix show

3) Holmes – Smart, and quirky, and good dry humor.
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American Netflix recent watch:

1) Jessica Jones: Marvel superhero girl – It’s only one season and I’m not sure how I feel about it. It’s interesting, yet slow, yet interesting. The British guy happens to be the guy from Broadchurch which I realized much later. I’d say he’s the most interesting character. Luke, her love interest (Lamont Bishop from The Good Wife – my favorite tv show), is very easy on the eyes.
 Jessica Jones Netflix review, Mandy On Duty netflix show, great detective netflix show