
How to have effortless mom style

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I hope my face above answers your question! Uhhhhh, there is no such thing as effortless mom style!

I have no idea why style, which is a mode of dressing, living, or expressing, would take no effort. I mean it’s a mode! That word alone says effort! Sorry to disappoint you ladies, but you have to make some amount of effort.
Also, to clear up a common misconception and probable disappointment – not making an effort does not equal the effortless chic style you see on Pinterest. No my friend, it just does not! You have to make even more of an effort than the un-childed ladies, because you my exquisite mom, have a whole host of additional days that the un-childed don’t.

You’ve got:
1) Been up all night with the kids days
2) The kids had tantrums at the front door days
3) The kids threw up in the car when you’re already late days
4) PLUS the period days, the lumpy days, and all the other days in between.
And you have to try to co-ordinate your clothes with these days! EFFORT is required. All those Instagram/Pinterest/Facebook moms who look put together and chic – they efforted!
An easy place to start lessening the effort is by trying on all your clothes and purging your closet so you only have what looks great on you.
Try on everything!
Your body has changed and you can’t assume things look the same anymore. Be ruthless with your eviction of the ill fitting! You need every piece you have to look amazing on you. It’s a painful process but worth it. If this is too much, get a stylist. She’ll do all the hard work and you’ll have great outfits. I’m available in the Washington DC area (wink wink).
mandy on duty style blog Washington DC
On the #momlife front, it’s February and my christmas lights are STILL lying around my house. I haven’t yet summoned the will power to separate a million sets and put them away so that next Christmas is not a horrible light separating disaster.

In the mean time, I decided to use them to show you how I wear this sweater 2 ways, very effortlessly.

mandyondutystyleblog mandyondutystyleblog