
Have fun with your makeup

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Here’s the deal: if you like makeup wear it, experiment with it, have fun with it. If you don’t, and you like that bare faced thing, do that. But for the love of womanhood, stop lamenting over if it will make you look too this, or too that, or too something that you’ve made up in your head that only you can see. IT WASHES OFF. It doesn’t change who you are inside. It just makes you feel good, get creative, and for many a girl, decrease shine (which is why I started wearing it in the first place).

And mother friends, it’s not that serious. Just try the red lipstick and stop with the labour intensive analysis of if the kids will recognize you. They will and they love it! They told me!

My daily arsenal of fun:
Mandy On Duty Mom Style Blog
Fav eyeshadows currently:
Mandy On Duty Mom Style
Mandy On Duty Beauty Blog