I love these polka dot jeans, and denim in general. If you’re buying jeans, shoes, bags etc…that aren’t plain colored wear them like they’re plain colored. For example, “I could NEVER pull off yellow boots Mandy!”
Yes, you could. Just treat them like you were wearing black boots. Replace bright colors, polka jeans, printed purses as your black/staple piece. Everything will fall into place, even polka dots!
In other news:
I had a conversation at the gym with my hot 78 year old friend:
ME: Oh you did your hair. Looking good!
HER: Girl, I burnt myself twice in the same spot trying to do this!
ME: The price of beauty I guess…
HER: I was trying to look tight for the weekend, but I guess with this, I gotta stay loose!
ME & HER: Hearty chuckles!
Throughout the work out she kept saying, “we just gotta stay loose!”, and I kept laughing. But really – she’s 78, she’s working out, she’s spending time on herself, and she’s staying loose even when she burns her head with a curling iron.
For me it was a bit of inspiration and life metaphor – to do my best and work on myself, but to remember not to take things so seriously, relax, and stay loose!
And of course, personal style and expression is an easy way to stay loose – hair, polka dot jeans, however we want.