
Tummy Talk

It seems like I’ve been obsessed with my belly flatness (well the lack thereof) since forever. It started when I was a teen because I did the evil thing – I compared mine to others. But alas, I now realize that not having a super concave stomach isn’t going to end life any day soon. I also realize that working out and feeling good about being your best self is more important. It’s only taken me 20 something years to work that out! But still every morning I have a little convo with my tummy just in case she might miraculously decide to flatten out one day.

The exchange goes something like this:
Me: You can do this today, you can stay nice and flat right?
Ms. Tummy: Sure, right after breakfast!
Me: Ok, but I really need you to co-operate on the flat front…
Her: Looks up at me satisfied with that piece of chocolate cake

I proceed to put on my girdle because I know she’s going rogue. Again. She goes rogue everyday.

Disclaimer: I don’t actually have a girdle but when I suck my stomach in I think I’m really doing the same thing as a girdle…right?
